The Royal Engineers Association Andover and Winchester Branch

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The Royal Engineers Association Andover and Winchester Branch

All men and women are eligible for membership who have served or are serving in the Corps of Royal Engineers, including the Reserve Army. Serving officers and soldiers who subscribe to the Day's Pay Scheme are automatically Life Members. Former Sappers who have not contributed to the Days Pay Scheme may apply for Life Membership by contacting HQ REA. Each Branch holds its own regular social functions and normally has an Annual Dinner where the Guest of Honour tends to be a senior Sapper officer who gives a run down of Corps activities. In addition there are several national re-union weekends each year, notably at Chilwell, Chatham and Minley. The Association holds an Annual Dinner each year in London. The Association acts a link between serving and retired members of the Corps; can provide financial and other assistance to serving and former members of the Corps, their wives, widows and dependants who are in need through poverty; can make grants, within Association guidelines, to the Army Benevolent Fund and to other charities which further the objectives of the Association.

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QMSI C3S, Training Wing, 26 Engr Regt, Andover, SP11 9LQ

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