King's Somborne Baby and Toddler Group

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King's Somborne Baby and Toddler Group

he children have the chance to play with a wide range of toys (including slides, trucks, playdough, puzzles etc), to sing songs, to be creative and to discover a new environment. The mums/carers get to relax, make friends and finish a cup of tea! For many newcomers to the area, the baby and toddler group has been a great source of support and has helped people to meet other local mums. It has also encouraged the little ones to socialise and make their own friends. Free play is encouraged in a very relaxed environment and we also organise special events - the Christmas party was a great success and the Easter egg hunt went down a treat. In the summer term, we have various events including a bring and buy sale of second hand clothes and toys, a summer picnic and football game. Please do come and join us for a cup of tea and a play - we are a relaxed, friendly group who would love to meet you and your little ones.


Village Hall, off Romsey Road, Romsey, SO20 6PP

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