Hampshire Special Needs Team

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Hampshire Special Needs Team

Special needs for children and Young People with learning difficulties or disabilities. We aim to give you as much information as possible to support you and your child. There are plenty of activities and opportunities available and we hope you can find something in your local area that will be helpful to you including Short breaks for children and Young People with disabilities and/or additional needs; Family link scheme as some children live with their own families but have short breaks with a foster family; Parent Voice provides an information and advice service for parents and carers of children and Young People aged 0-19 in Hampshire; Parent Partnership provides advice, information and support to parents and carers of children and Young People with special educational needs; Support for families on how to ask for an assessment of your child's needs and the services that may be available to you; Special educational needs (SEN) if your child is having learning problems at school there is help, advice and guidance available; Specialist Teacher Advisory Service working with disabled children at home, in pre-school and in school, providing information, advice, support and training to parents, carer.


The Castle, Winchester, SO23 8UG

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