Hampshire Roads and Transport Information

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Hampshire Roads and Transport Information

HCC provides information on the services that they are responsible for: Transport - Public, community and school transport; Bus passes and all concessionary travel; Transport and road improvement schemes; Traffic management including traffic calming, speed limits and more; Notify Hampshire County Council of an abnormal load. Travel - Up to the minute road and public transport travel information; Plan your journey by bus, coach or train; Check the roads with HCC traffic cameras; Safer Routes to School for pupils, teachers, governors and parents; Help with transport to school; HantsCarShare which is the easy way to share a car in Hampshire. Roads and streets - Report problems on the road; Roads and severe weather services; Street Lighting; Roadworks in Hampshire; Highways public notices; Road safety; Land charges and highways status information; Motorways and trunk roads maintained by the Highways Agency. Car Parking - Find out about council car parks; Apply for a blue badge. Transport plans policies and consultations - Local Transport Plan 2011-2031; Transport and other public consultations; All transport plans and policies


The Castle, Winchester, SO23 8UQ

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