Guild of Bell Ringers - Andover and District

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Guild of Bell Ringers - Andover and District

It is quite remarkable that if a ringer from the 17th century came into a church tower today he would have no difficulty recognising how we ring the bells and the way we ring on them. To be able to ring 'changes' on the bells they are hung so that they can swing in a circle. The order in which the bells sound is then altered to give different sequences, called changes. This is done to a pre-set pattern or 'method', and each ringer must learn that 'method' in order to know when his or her particular bell must sound in each change. There are a few standard methods which are rung in most towers and this makes it very easy for ringers to visit and ring with other bands. Bells are rang for church services; weddings; special occasions; our own pleasure. The Winchester and Portsmouth dioceses is divided into eight Districts and Andover is one of these. Mid-Monthly Meetings are held on Wednesdays throughout the summer that allow a mix of ringing and socialising for those able to attend. Training courses in many aspects of ringing are arranged on a Guild-wide basis about four times a year.

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2 Fairfield Villas, Basingstoke, RG26 5SX

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