Disabled Go

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Disabled Go

DisabledGo provides detailed online access guides to a huge range of places that you will want to visit. Local authorities, colleges, universities, NHS and private sector partners advise us of their priority places to survey and subsequently feature on our website. Typically these will be the most popular locations which attract high volumes of visitors. These are then supplemented by local disabled people giving us their suggestions through our consultation events. In providing our unique service we send one of our specially trained surveyors to visit every single venue featured on our website. Our surveyors use the same high standards to assess each venue so you can be confident in the consistency of the information we publish. Our aim is to give you information so that you can make up your own mind whether a venue is right for you - we don't attempt to judge a venue's accessibility on your behalf.


Ardent House, Stevenage, SG1 3HG

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