Cats Protection - Andover and District Group

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Cats Protection - Andover and District Group

Andover and District Branch is run by a small group of volunteers working to rescue and rehome stray and unwanted cats and kittens in and around Andover. We have three main objectives: 1. To rescue, rehabilitate and re-home stray and unwanted cats and kittens. Cats coming into our care are looked after by a number of fosterers. They have one or more specially designed pens in their gardens, although occasionally they may temporarily house a cat in their own home. 2. To encourage the neutering of cats not required for breeding. Please see details of our Free Neutering program. 3. To educate the public about the care of cats and kittens. If you need general advice about the welfare of cats, there is a wealth of information on the Cats Protection head office web site -

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1 Test Road, Whitchurch, RG28 7LP

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