British Limbless Ex-Servicemen's Association - Southampton and Winchester

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British Limbless Ex-Servicemen's Association - Southampton and Winchester

British Limbless Ex-Servicemen's Association is a national charity for limbless ex-Service men and women. The association accepts responsibility for the dependants of its members and their widows. It also accepts responsibility for those who have suffered the loss of the use of a limb in Service. The Southampton and Winchester Branch supports other ex-service men or women by promoting the welfare and wellbeing of all serving and ex-service men and women who have lost a limb or limbs or one or both eyes as a result of service in any branch of Her Majesty's Forces or Auxiliary Forces (as may from time to time be defined). Also those who have suffered permanent loss of speech, hearing or the loss of sight in one or both eyes or the use of a limb in or as a result of service. We further assist widows, widowers and dependants.


86 East Avenue, Bournemouth, BH3 7DD

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