Bridge Street Methodist Church (Includes Picket Twenty Church)

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Bridge Street Methodist Church (Includes Picket Twenty Church)

Regular events: Sunday Acts of Worship; Tuesday Inspire Christian Fellowship for artists and Craft workers (for details see Poster in Rear Hall); A midweek communion service for those not able to come to Sunday communion; Prime Time monthly meeting for older-people at the Church; Friday Friends Mothers & Toddlers group; Chip & Chat a monthly meeting for fish and chips; Messy Church a monthly activity-based worship for the WHOLE family. Other regular Users: Monday - Scottish Country Dancing; Wednesday 65+ Keep fit class; Andover Choral Society; Thursday - Brownies; Friday - Parkinson's UK Andover Branch

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Bridge Street, Andover, SP10 1BL

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Bridge Street Methodist Church (Includes Picket Twenty Church) Contact Details