Andover Model Railway Club

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Andover Model Railway Club

A warm welcome to the Andover Model Railway Club (AMRC). I am Martin Wilcocks, the current Chairman of AMRC & would like to tell you something about our club. As the name suggests, our Clubhouse is situated right in the centre of Andover in the Chantry Centre. There is ample car parking nearby which is free after 4pm & on Sundays. Our club has several rooms on 2 floors & in addition has its' own dedicated kitchen area, toilet & hand washing facilities We have a club meeting every Wednesday evening 7pm to 10pm & by prior arrangement there is access to our clubhouse whenever the Chantry Centre is open. Due to the current Covid-19 pandemic, we have introduced Covid Secure policies & facilities to safeguard our members. We have layouts in the 3 main scales: N, O and OO gauges and we cater for all those interested in model railways from those who just like running their trains to those who want to expand their expertise & knowledge in all aspects of model railways. We have 2 layouts that we exhibit at other clubs' exhibitions. As a club, we cater for all levels of experience from beginner to modellers of many years. For those that wish to develop their skills, we also have skills meetings, covering all aspects of the hobby, hosted by some of our more experienced modellers & by external experts. We also have a dedicated workbench with tools to help with construction of layouts & models. Trips are organised on an occasional basis to model railway shows, manufacturers & even to preserved railways. Whilst Covid-19 has curtailed some of our trips, you can see some of the things we have done before on our events pages Whilst you will always be welcome at our Clubhouse, you will find it most interesting if you contact us beforehand so that a nominated club member can meet you, show you around & introduce you to our members. That way, you could get the best idea about how you could benefit from being a member . To arrange a visit click here: Try out a club meeting?


Unit 20, Andover, SP10 1QP

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