Romsey Community Hospital

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Romsey Community Hospital

Services at Romsey Hospital include: Inpatient rehabilitation and palliative care beds; British Heart Foundation heart failure clinic; Child health; Personal dental services; Continence advisory service; Diabetic clinic; Dietetic services and nutrition; Hearing aid and hearing therapy; Minor operations; Orthopaedic choice clinics; Surgical appliances; Outpatient physiotherapy; Podiatry; Opthalmology; Community rehabilitation team; Speech and language therapy; Leg ulcer clinic; Maternity outpatients; X-ray. Clinics offered at Romsey Hospital include: Urology; Blood test (walk in service); ENT; Opthalmology; Gynaecology; Dermatology; Rheumatology; Geriatric Medicine (including Parkinson's); Vascular Surgery; Colorectal; Gastroenterology; Respiratory; General Surgery; Orthopaedics All body parts; Ultrasound (Monday and Wednesday); Phlebotomy; X-ray - All bookings for Romsey Clinics are via the Lymington Booking office Mon - Fri 08.00am - 6.00pm on 0845 050 9502

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Winchester Hill, Romsey, SO51 7ZA

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