Age Concern Hampshire

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Age Concern Hampshire

The overall aim in all of the services provided by Age Concern Hampshire is to provide support to enable older-people to maintain their optimum independence and live in the environment of their choosing. Part of this support may be information and advice to the older person and/or their carers; another part might be some type of care. A theme running throughout Age Concern Hampshire's service is partnership working with colleagues from health and the local authority, as well as the voluntary independent sector - working collaboratively to make the best use of skills and resources. - Campaigning on behalf of people over 50. - Information and Advice service on a free phone number for people over 50, their family, friends and carers. - Day care centres around the county for physically and/or mentally frail older-people. - Computer centres offering one-to-one tuition for people over 50 with little or no knowledge or experience of using a computer. - Foot Health Clinics.

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Centre Way, Southampton, SO31 6DX

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